The Dice is Right is a simplistic puzzle game all about dice. The goal of the game is to get a certain number of dice to show a certain predefined order of dice face values in a certain number of moves. This is done through multiple different actions which move the dice around.

Note: If you cannot see the side of each dice, please change the resolution in the pause->options menu

Note: Only the value, not the rotation, of the dice face matters.(A  6 is still a 6 in any orientation)

Note: If you don't know what an action, does simply try it, there are no repercussions for getting something wrong or using a move.

Note: Certain actions put you in a selection menu, where the only way to get out is to select dice(1 or 2) and complete the action or to click backspace and cancel it. No other actions can be done in the meantime



Mouse button to click buttons and to click on dice to select them.

Hover over dice to show adjacent faces.

Backspace or Escape(if not fullscreened) to close any menu or to open the pause menu.

Ctrl+Z to go back a step

Goal: The goal of the game is to get all the dice to show an order of faces as shown in the top of the screen.


The action bar is below you and each action is one of the buttons with a dice icon+some arrows on it.

Each level, the player is allowed 1-6 different actions to move 1-6 dice, and the player can use any of these actions on the dice as many times as they want. The possible actions include moving all dice in one of the six rotations or to move one dice in such. There is also an action which allows the player to choose two dice to swap and two actions which move all dice either left or right.

Options Menu:

Click backspace and then options to open up the options menu where you can adjust volume, resolution, and other settings.


Henry_Hamster - Programming and Unity

Matth_ew12zz: Art

sunnydeer: Music and SFX

Louis Hugh-Jones: Ideas and level design


Download 38 MB

Install instructions

Download and unzip and run the application named The Dice is Right. There might be a security notification, but honestly, I'm not sure how to turn that off.

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